Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy for Muzali Beds

Muzali Beds takes full care and keeps your information secure. We promise to keep your information safe. Our privacy policy explains how we handle your information at the time of purchase. And how to use it.

What Information We Collect

When you buy something from us or visit our website. We will ask for!
Shipping address
Email Address
Contact number

How We Use Your Information

We use your information for:
To delivery your order on correct Address
Give information about your orders and products
To give answers of your questions or problems
Make your shopping experience better
Protect against scam and keep website secure

Keeping Your Information Safe

We make sure to keep your information secure. We do not share the information of our customer with anyone.

Use of Cookies and Tracking

We use cookies to improve our website to know how people use our website. So that we can show you things that you have interest. If you are interested, you can change your browser settings regarding cookies, but this will affect our ability to work.

Your Rights

You can update or delete your information. You also have the right to choose how we use your data or not use it at all. Delete your data.
Changes to This Policy
We may change our privacy policy from time to time and if we do so again we will let you know.

Get in Touch

Muzali Beds

WhatsApp: +923251961590